Omar Zakhilwal



Omar Zakhilwal, PhD Economics, is a Senior Research Economist with the
Government of Canada and a professor of Economics at Carleton University in
Ottawa. He is also a founding member and the president of the board of
directors of Partnership Afghanistan Canada and a founding member and the
chair of the start-up committee of the Canadian Engineers for the
Reconstruction of Afghanistan

Dr. Zakhilwal has written numerous articles in English, Pashto and Dari on
political, economic and social issues pertaining to Afghanistan for such
newspapers, magazines and journals as the New York Times, Washington Post,
Otta! wa Citizen, Forum of Federation Quarterly, Human Rights Tribune,
Al-Ehram, Mujahid Wolus, Wahdat, Dawat, Heela, Efforts, Afghan Mosaic, the
Afghan Mirror, the Afghan Post and many other publications.

Dr. Zakhilwal was a delegate to the recent historic Loya Jirga in Kabul that
elected Afghanistan's President and approved its government and cabinet.


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