Dr Ali Wardak



Dr. Ali Wardak was born in Afghanistan and is a graduate of Kabul University in Law and Jurisprudence. He received his PhD degree in Criminology from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1995 where he also worked as a tutor of Criminology and Criminal Justice between 1992 - 1995, and as a research fellow between 1995 - 1996. Currently, Dr Wardak teaches criminology at the University of Glamorgan, where he is also the Director of a Home Office research project that looks at the criminogenic needs and probation experiences of Black and Asian offenders in England and Wales. The research project is conducted by a consortium of researchers that include Dr. Ali Wardak (University of Glamorgan), Professor Peter Raynor and Dr Maurice Vanstone (Swansea University) Professor David Smith (Lancaster University), Dr Bankole Cole (Lincoln University) and four full-time research assistants.


a. Principal Published Works and Works Accepted for Publication

Wardak, A. (1998) �The Tribal and Ethnic Composition of Afghan Society� in Afghanistan: Essential Field Guides to Humanitarian and Conflict Zones, edited by Edward Girardet & Jonathan Walter, Geneva: Crosslines Ltd.

Wardak, A. (2000) Social Control and Deviance: A South Asian Community in Scotland, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Wardak, A. (2002) �The Mosque and Social Control in Edinburgh�s Muslim Community� in Journal of Culture and Religion Vol. 3: No 2.

b. Work in Progress

Wardak, A. et al, Black and Asian Offenders: Criminogenic Needs and Experiences of Probation, (Home Office Research Report to be published following the completion of my current research in May 2003).

Sheptycki, J. and Wardak, A. (Eds.) Comparative and Transnational Criminology , London: Cavendish (forthcoming December 2003)

Wardak, A. 'Comparative Criminology: Problems and Prospects' in J. Sheptycki and A. Wardak,  (Eds.) Transnational and Comparative Criminology, London: Cavendish (forthcoming December 2003)

Wardak, A. 'Crime and Social Control in Saudi Arabia' in J. Sheptycki and A. Wardak,  (Eds.) Transnational and Comparative Criminology, London: Cavendish (forthcoming December 2003) 

In addition, Wardak has presented numerous papers at various international conferences and academic forums. Since 1996 he has regularly contributed to various current affairs/News programmes including BBC (Television) Wales, ITV, BBC Radio 4 (Sara Dickens's Programme), BBC Radio 5, One World (BBC�s special multi-cultural radio programme) and Radio Red Dragon.

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